Thursday, December 9, 2010
Take what is True for You, and leave the rest behind.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
New Moon in Sagittarius - 2010
Dear Ones,
Already it is the New Moon again, and I am busy preparing for Red Tent Women's Circles and the upcoming Solstice. Here are my thoughts toward the energies of this month.
Please note, I'm not an astrologer, but I feel and I hear and I see. I like to read various reports written by astrologers, and then put that into a perspective relevant to my own Work, and my own feelings so that the Women who Circle with me have some extra inspiration for the month. And this I share with You.
New Moon in Sagittarius for December 2010
There is so very much going on this month in our everyday lives, and the Celestial realms are reflecting this for us. The stars play out the stories in the Earth, and vice-versa we play out the stories of the Stars, and so we can look up to them and view the story ahead. It will help keep us in step with the Self, the Earth, the Sun and the Moon. It helps us to breathe easier!
This month's New Moon is in Sagittarius at 3:35am on Monday 6th December. A Sagittarian New Moon is great for planning and setting intentions. The few days leading up to the New Moon are all about letting go, all the way into the very cells of our bodies. As the New Moon is born, it is what I call the Moon Seed Time. This is all about planting your intentions for the month ahead. Its the time to look up to the Stars, get an idea of how the month ahead is looking, and plan accordingly. The secret to bringing your Moon Seeds to fruit is belief, Trust and Truth.
With the Moon Seeds being planted in Sagittarius there's an extra layer of fertiliser! Sag is fiery, motivated, and driven to the Truth. Last month the Stars advised us to honour our 'Dark Side'. To delve into our Secret Self and See our own Truth. Now in Sag we want to be free from all that holds us back. Take the challenge. Trust your Self! The energies are ripe for manifesting, for reflecting upon all we've learned from the year and taking all of those lessons, putting them into action and moving clearly along the path to your Purpose.
Be warned though, Sagittarius can be easily flighty, excitable and easy to bore. This month, use a disciplined approach to all that you do. Let your actions be entirely conscious. You have been collecting energy all year, and it's ready to move forward, to be released. Just let it know who is in charge – You.
The energies are speeding up for all of us – it's not just Christmas on its way. Much information is coming through various channels regarding the increase of the Earth's energies and how She is moving into the New Paradigm. We are all a part of this, and all changes from the micro-cosm to the macro-cosm are a part of the bigger picture. Some things I've noticed include the outrageous weather across the world, the WikiLeaks controversy exposing governments and coverups, and the release of new information finding that life can be sustained by arsenic – completely the opposite to our previous scientific understanding of life. It seems that everyday, the world is different than how we knew it before.
This energy will be added to by a Mercury Retrograde, a Lunar eclipse and the Solstice this month. Exciting!
Get your Self to a Red Tent Women's Circle. |
Relationships & Communication
We came out of the Venus Retrograde and relationship issues with more understanding of ourselves and the people we love. Now we move into another relationship stress with Mercury in retrograde for more than two weeks this month. Some stuff going on with Mercury Mars and Pluto can expect misunderstandings, technology problems, fights, jealousy, and sexual tension in the air. Do your Self a favour and stay away from busy places full of people, like the shops between the 10th and 14th December.
Business, Work and Money
Starting the week of the New Moon will feel good. If you've taken time over the weekend to honour your needs, you'll be feeling inspired and motivated to get to where you want to be. Make business deals, trust your Self in any changes you need to make and use your time well. By the end of the week, Mercury will be retrograde and other planets will make sure it's not the time for investments and money stuff. A 'big deal' Meteor shower in the second week of December will make sure the energy is electric! Focus rather on personal issues and really be True to You.
Full Moon, Summer Solstice and Christmas
Wow, this is going to be a Full Moon to remember, just like the Winter Solstice Lunar Eclipse this year. Leading to the Full Moon there will be an increase in accidents, busy-ness and un-consciousness. You might think 'well that's just because it's the lead up to Christmas' and you would be right – because with the Christmas lead up there is also a whole lot happening in the Stars. Stay true to your Self by Being aware and awake. Keep your Self in check in your reactions to people and events. Don't allow your Self to get caught up in the mainstream rush, and you will survive this time relatively unscathed.
This month's Moon Seeds come to fruition in Gemini – when the Moon will be Full, and to add to our emotional work, She'll go into hiding in an eclipse as well. A Total Lunar Eclipse is when the Earth comes directly between the Sun and Moon, and the Moon is completely shadowed, receiving no direct light from the Sun. Lunar Eclipses force us to work with our emotions, and our Inner Self, that which we hide from most people. I find this interesting being that so many of us get together with family for Christmas – and they are the People who really know and see our inner 'stuff', even when successful at hiding it from others. We should definitely be able to see this Eclipse, and by viewing the Moon doing Her dance you will find it much easier to integrate your 'Stuff'. Be kind to your Self.
The Gemini Twins hold the gateway into your deep Self. Honour them, honour You and work between your Light and Dark Spaces. Always when there is a Lunar Eclipse it is followed by a Solar Eclipse. The time in-between can be intense. This time it will run right through Christmas, and New Year, so it's a good chance to clear your self from the common dramas of this time and choose simply to Be.
Summer Solstice, which comes through just after the Eclipse is the time when Gramma Sun has reached Her greatest peak strength. The pendulum swings back and the year begins to slowly work back to darkness. At this time the Earth is illuminated by the Light and all shadows have light cast upon them. So you really can't hide anything! I think of this Sabbat (Seasonal Celebration) as the Sabbat of Depth and Gratitude. In Australia we are reminded of our Summer connection to Water and the love and joy of Christmas time, regardless of whether you are religious or not.
The intensity of this time will be asking you to DO something. Get physical – particularly swimming and walking and Being in the garden. Be aware of your alcohol and toxin laden foods intake over the 'silly season' because everything is already intensified. Staying conscious, clear and aware will make for a much more enjoyable holiday. That word again : disciplined.
Christmas Eve energies will be a bit calmer than the lead up, and by the 30th December Mercury goes direct again. The few weeks before the New Year will be working to help us shift from our wants and desires, and move into a Space of trust in the Universe. This time will help let go of the concepts of lack and poverty. Go into the Sabbat of Depth and Gratitude with this in mind and you will greatly benefit. Commune with Goddess Hera who holds the Space for family, yet is unafraid to replenish Her own cup whenever necessary. Embrace the gift giving essence of this time and Be open to receive.
Moving into 2011
We have been promised all year that 2011 is going to be an 'easier' year than 2010 was. We have shifted so much 'stuff' in the Self, learnt to honour ourselves, Mama Earth and out own Truth so much more. It can only be Perfect!
Back to the thoughts for this New Moon
The big Key for this month : remind yourself with each response : Is this Response free from Fear? That includes when you are relating to People, food, objects (like purchasing unnecessary gifts!) and Mama Earth.
This time is the seed of the New. The Sun and the Moon are in their own Oneness. Particularly this month think upon unifying and illuminating your Dark and Light Selves, honouring the many aspects of You. Check in with your Self regularly, and notice your True needs. Release stress from your body with conscious methods, such as exercise rather than alcohol intoxication or over eating. Honour all that you have achieved this year. And move into 2011 with the deep knowledge that you Truly Know Your Self.
With Sagittarius in mind, in setting your intentions for this month, I invite you to think upon ways to expand your own knowledge. Finding ways to maintain trust in your Self and the Oneness. Allowing your Self to be independent, free and True to You throughout the month.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Holding a Space for Power in your Heart
Have you ever experienced that feeling where you need to remove your energy from something or someone, to really be liberated in your ability to manifest what is True for You? If you haven't had that feeling, perhaps it's time to take stock and prepare to let go! Cut the chords. And release Your Self!
We must honour our Gifts so that there IS Enough for everyone. The world needs healers, but why be a healer if you're Truest Heart's Desire is not called to this Way of BEing? There is not one thing on this Earth that you 'should' do. Don't try to live as someone else, just because you think what they do looks fun/empowering/abundant/important/etc. Check with Your Self, is this my ego wanting this? Or is it a longing from my Truest Heart's Desire? The easy way to receive that answer? If everything fits into place as though it was 'meant to be' then it is coming form a place of Truth. Your Heart will sing in the joy of BEing in what you have tried to accomplish. On the other hand, if it is forever difficult, stressful, and too hard, then time to re-check your Purpose.
Gift your Self the honour of only mixing your personal energies with things and people that vibrate at a frequency that celebrates your worth. If you want to create more finances in your world, don't hang around with people who have a poverty consciousness. If you want to be healthy, spend time with people who enjoy being health-full. If you want business success, share with other successful business owners... That's all a part of Vibrational Magick.
BE your Truth, live your Way, and Walk with Power. With this you will be so full of abundant, bounty that you will KNOW there is enough for everyone. In this Space you will be willing to share, for the fear and want to hold onto your Power will dissolve when you walk in your absolute Truth. There is no need to hold onto Your Power when you Know that you have a Sacred Place on this Earth. Release Fear!
When You are willing to grasp hold of your Power, walk with your head held high, your tummy full of nourishment, and your heart open, THEN the world will truly BE at your finger tips. Live with your Truth in every part of your body dear hearts!
Thursday, November 11, 2010
11:11 : There is Enough of everything for You
So for today, allow yourself to receive the beautiful essence that opens the heart to deeper love. Allow yourself to receive the beautiful essence that opens you to abundance and to see the Perfect road map that is your Life's Journey pan out in front of you. Accept that which has been created for you, and simply BE.
Know that there is enough for You. There is enough time, food, shelter, abundance, and love. Walk in your Truth, even if you worry it will upset someone else. If you are worried about such things, you are not minding your own business. As Minmia says - we are born first : Boss of Self. If you are not minding your own business, then why are you bothering minding any businesses at all? If someone feels upset from something 'you did' ask yourself 'Did I work in my own Truth and Sincerity? Was this action right for me?' and you will see that it is not your actions that has upset this person, but their own shadow, creeping up to bite them on the backside! It is not your job to show them their shadow. They'll see it in their own time, when they are ready. It is simply your job to Walk in your Truth. To Do what is Perfect for You. And to honour all that you meet with deep and humble Sincerity.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Indigos Be-ing Real : celebrity spotlight
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Back to 'Work'.... ahhh Love Life!
Ahhh, what a delicious 'job' I have in this life!
I've just returned from the Gold Coast for the Australian Goddess Conference, where I held the Space for the element of Water in the Sacred Ceremonies for Opening and Closing the Conference. I also held this Space for a mighty Croning Ceremony - 19 Crones like the 19 sacred priestesses ~ Melissae ~ which was beautiful, inspiring and incredibly powerful.
On Sunday I presented to about 30 women, covering Making your Own Magick with the LunationOnline product Moon Seed Powder (yet to be released - so these women were given a special gift of Knowing as I shared the ingredients and how I go about collecting and creating a Lunation Lunar Wishes Powder!), guiding these fabulous Women to find their Purpose in this Life - and then DO it! I feel blessed to have shared Space with you all, and the wisdom that you shared in return. Bless.
So many amazing women I have connected with over this weekend and my Woman Heart is bursting with the fuel that is gifted when women dance together! I must especially mention Peruquois Frances (Melbourne), Mikailah (Gold Coast), and Prue Blackmore (Adelaide), for they are three women who have expanded my own Real World Journey, simply by sharing their Space. Love You Women!
I already miss the rainforests and the seas, but now it is time to 'get serious' and 'back to work' in the Bush Capital - Canberra. The next big job is to upload the Spells For Sale to the Lessonary Online Store. So away I scurry, away from the computer (my dear friend), through the Lunation Labyrinth and out to the Studio to make photos and Spells and samples!
Don't forget that Creating Sacred Spaces begins on November 20. It is a powerful and life changing journey to undertake when it is Right for you. I say this with Grace and Truth in my heart, because I know that the work I have put into this Online Course is authentic and driven by Love. I have also received beautiful feedback from previous participants for which I am so deeply grateful.
You can sign up at the Lessonary Online Store, and don't worry about 'not having enough time' to get into it. The Course is sent to you over 6 weeks, but the forum, exercises and support is available to you for six months, so you can take ALL the time you need.
So, I hope your day is filled with happiness! Until we next meet, Love and Peace to You,
Monday, October 4, 2010
Some Direction for the upcoming New Moon in Libra..
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Love you Emmy Pie!
Together Again! |
My B'day Prezzie to Emmy Babe - Black & Bling! |
Monday, August 23, 2010
Why worry???
Mass Consciousness is a powerful thing as we well know.
What an amazing powerful day Saturday was as the whole Nation of thinking Peoples was focused on the Perfect Outcome - regardless of what you think 'the Perfect Outcome' is, what matters most is that we were all thinking upon it on the same day... What a powerful consciousness that creates, and as so many of us sat on our couches on Saturday night until all hours hoping for a result, we were all tuning into a frequency of the same - of wanting the Right Outcome for the nation.
On Saturday night, watching the election coverage, as I noticed a momentary fear rising when I thought 'this is all not going to be so clear as we had hoped' - I brought it into check just as quick. I refused to be caught up in the story of 'this must be the way it must be.' I re-tuned myself to Trusting the Process.
Dear Hearts, the votes have been cast and whatever happens will happen. We cannot change it now. What we can do is Trust that the Process of Perfection is unfolding just the way it is supposed to. There are many roads we have the chance to take - but Universal Order means that regardless of the road, we will eventually end up in the same place (think that Sliding Doors movie). It's how we choose to get there that matters. You can take the worry road (it's bumpy and you'll probably get car sick at some point!) or you can take the Loving, Trusting Road (much smoother with flowers in the fields you pass along the way!) and the 'Perfect Outcome' will get there one way or another.
If you choose to subscribe to the confusion that so many people are currently caught up in as the next few days unfold, you too will be adding to that mass consciousness of confusion and fear - is that what you want to anchor into the land here in Australia? I choose not to let this story of confusion be my own.
I choose to be a part of the consciousness that says that what is Perfect in Divine Fruition will BE. IS BEING right now. I wonder if all this confusion is just a reminder that we are the ones who create our own Destiny. We can Be the Change we want to see in the world. Relying on someone else, no matter how powerful they seem to be is not the answer. Personal responsibility is the key to Divine Sovereignty, and politicians have nothing to do with that!
So I invite you, over the next few days as the Full Moon peaks in Pisces, the sign who reminds us of our Interconnectedness and power to Dream, to Imagine a world where Divine Perfection is played out every step of the way - and perhaps we can raise a mass consciousness of Loving the Process - regardless of what we thought the outcome 'should' have been.
I prefer a consciousness of Love and Trust. Do you?
Monday, July 19, 2010
Support and Trust the process : - ::: - : ::: Man, Woman, Child, we are all One
It means I honour my lineage of Woman. I am connected to all of the women before me and all of the women still to come. I am the first and the last Babushka, and everything in between. All the power of the world is contained inside me, just like the round little Russian Dolls who contain ultimate possibility inside their wooden wombs, I have my many babes inside, and I was once my Great Great Great
This article has been a few weeks in the making for me. I have been thinking long and hard about how best to Celebrate the energy of our country's first female Prime Minister. When I read the stories about her being an atheist or agnostic - or whatever she is choosing to call herself that decrees her alliance with Truth rather than Religion - I am even deeper in love with her. Yes! I am in love with this woman.
I am grateful and honouring and in the space of the heart : Love : toward Julia Gillard. This amazing, empowered, hard working successful woman is holding the Space of power in this country with dignity and Purpose. She is awesome. And She too, as Woman, is a woman of the Red Thread. I trust her to fulfill her Purpose - not because She's atheist and doesn't subscribe to religious propaganda, but because She is Woman.
She is a Woman who has as yet, chosen not to birth babes. She is the Babushka who holds her potential within and it is the job of the women of the Red Thread to support Her as midwives. She holds the potential of this country and is birthing the potential as Real. We do not need to call her energy in and hold her accountable. It is not up to us to check whether she is going to do the right thing! The right thing is whatever she does, because she is fulfilling her purpose. She is on the road of the Red Thread, writing a story never written in this country before. She is changing the way that the world thinks of Australians. She is changing the way Australians are thinking of Australians. She is raising the consciousness of our People just by BEing the different story. As conscious, spiritual, women and men of power, it is our job to support her!
So stop the old story in your way of Being. Now.
How about this for a new story?
We are all women of the Red Thread. And the Sacred Brothers who support us are the strong arms around us. As women who sit in Moon Lodges and Red Tents we are holding the Space for the communities in which we live. That's our story right? And Julia Gillard, as Woman and leader, is holding the Space for the whole nation. Her partner sounds like a beautiful supportive man, and there is a True Love between them. But She can not hold the Space on Her own for too long. He can not support Her on his own for too long.
SO, Women of the Red Thread who sit in Moon Lodges and Red Tents across this country. Send out your Red Threads of support and connect it to the other women in the other Moon Lodges and Red Tents across the nation. And when we are connected we will create a web of support. Let the Red Threads weave and join to create a supportive, connected web that will draw up and hold Julia Gillard within. Don't expect her to isolate herself to the Red Tent like you would. Don't assume that by her standing out in front it makes her any less feminine. Instead, support her choice to keep standing in front of the nation. And use your power in isolation and Red Tent depth to share with her. Don't call her into the Red Tent, don't drain her power with your expectation and demands.
And Sacred Brothers; those who support the women who go into isolation at the time of the Dark Moon. Those beautiful powerful men who understand and support the women who send the Red Threads out each month, support your women. In doing, you are supporting the country. Hold those beautiful babushkas in your hands, massage their smooth shape and put flowers on their bellies! You are just as much a part of the Red Thread Web as the women. We are all One.
Over the next few weeks I will be singing forth my guided visualisation and Ceremony for the Dark/New Moon as part of my own Red Tent Circles in Canberra. With the election date announced for August 21, the Leo Moon on Tuesday 10th August will be a powerful time to set your intentions for success and inner power. In my Circle, we will be honouring Julia Gillard as a Woman of Power. It doesn't matter whether you are for Labor or Liberal, the Greens or One Nation! This Ceremony will be all about SEEing the mirrored, successful Empress Self and sending the Red Thread out as a web of containment and support for and with all of the women who are driven toward their goals - we are all working toward the New Earth and higher consciousness in our own way. The Red Tent is a place for nourishment and to fill our cups to be able to move forth in beauty and power for the next month. Let's fill the cup of our country! (And we'll do it without the beer and bbq!) For those of you who cannot attend a Circle, or who will be holding your own Circles somewhere in Australia at this time, the Ceremony with spoken meditation will be available as a Little Lesson Pack from the Lessonary Website. Join the Lessonary Email list to be notified when it is available.
Hollie B. is a Witch, Priestess and Indigo Adult Woman in Canberra,
Hoya noo tai nua shea. Ola hey nu toia kete hehe, no atna heya. Maia Nie Heya. xxx
Friday, July 16, 2010
Unity : Honour the Plant Peoples : Let consciousness consume You!
I feel as though there's a lot of intention toward the Unity of humanity; everyone's all about bringing humanity together as one. And then a few people are reminding us - “Remember the animals” and “Remember the flowers.”
I have become aware of another People on this Earth that we need to be ever so grateful toward. This is especially true for we Indigos.
The Plant Peoples are standing up to be counted at the moment, in droves! I'm not talking about the ones who help our healing process with their vibrational essences, like flower essences, but I am talking about the Plant Peoples we consume on a regular, daily, food basis.
If you are an Indigo who has been battling addiction issues (and we do because addictive substance is the Indigo Kryptonite) or you are someone who has recently developed food sensitivities previously un-noticed, this information is for you.
As human people are developing more sensitivities to food, and addictive habits are being dragged kicking and screaming away from us, the Devas of the Plant Peoples are saying 'Enough is enough! We no longer allow this blatant abuse of Our Peoples!'
The plants that we process to eat and drink, are banding together with their own collective consciousness. They are healing the human world by stopping us from the abuse of the Selves – us and them. By our violent reactions to some foods and addictive substances, we are being pushed further toward our individual evolution. The Plants we have always eaten are now working with us on a much higher level, by teaching about balance and right relationships...
If you abuse alcohol, illicit drugs, sugar, coffee, cigarettes.... it is time to turn it around. All of our addictive substances originate from a plant form! Honour the Plant Peoples you have developed such an attachment to. It is our job as an evolving conscious People to honour the other Peoples who are working at our side. This is true Unity.
So over the time of this next wave of conscious convergence I invite you to sit with the Plant Peoples who have worked by your side. Honour them for their work. This is how you will truly integrate their lesson. Consuming them is not the answer. It's as though for centuries we have felt the Power of these amazing Plant Peoples, but our awareness didn't allow us to see the highest way to integrate their lessons. Our egos told us if we consume the substance, we will take in their power. Just like a rampaging warlord we have been raping and abusing our closest allies, without realising our deepest pain is being exasperated by our actions. Humble, grateful and passionate honouring of the Deva Spirit of your individual Plant allies is the way to Unity – particularly at this stage of evolution for Indigo Children.
So whether you are battling addiction or you have come out the other side, whether you refuse to admit your 'problem,' or it is rapidly in your awareness, whether you have rashes or intense bloating, whether you have removed the substance from your home, or you have just bought some anew. Now is the time. I sense that Indigo Children the world over are finding awareness in the anchoring of right relationships with human friends. Please, please remember the Plants. They have a message for you!
It is time for Ceremony for the Plant Peoples!
My suggestion is to create a Plant People grid in your Ceremony Space. The grid in the picture contains Juniper, Hops, Cacao, Yeast and Potato, plus various Stone Peoples and the pure beeswax candles for the transformtation of understanding. Just as you might create a crystal grid, the Plant Peoples can be set together in Sacred Space and their energies activated, working together and with you to raise the energy of your Space. They are powerful Peoples, honour them as such. **
If you know that you have an issue with a particular item, whether it's an addiction to vodka (potato), beer (hops & yeast/fungi), or an allergy to bread (wheat & yeast/fungi), the Devas have something to say to you. Sit down in Ceremony with them, and listen.
Take the substance back to the simplest, most organic state you can find. For example, if you have an allergy or sensitivity to Wheat, find organic whole wheat grains to honour the Deva Spirit of the Plant Person; Wheat.
So look at your issue:
Cigarettes = tobacco – the Plant Person who symbolises Unity.
Chocolate = Raw Cacao and Sugar Cane products can be found in health food shops. If you live in sugar cane regions, honour the plant directly.
Coffee = find fair trade, organic coffee beans.
Lollies = sugar, sugar, sugar.
Vodka = potatoes
Gin = juniper
Beer = hops, barley, yeast (fungi)
Wine = grapes
Bread = wheat and yeast (fungi)
Heroin = poppies
Marijuana = if you know you will have trouble with the plant direct, go the other way and honour the other options for its use : find hemp fabric, hempseed oil etc.
Allergies to nuts, strawberries and other seemingly non-explainable foods maybe due to the amount the food is sprayed with chemicals... find these foods in an organic form and honour them with thanks for opening your awareness to the need for pure, life sustaining substances. Support healthy growth of your food, just as you would support the healthy growth of yourself!
Now as you move into the future, find alternatives to the substances you have been abusing. Health food stores stock all sorts of sugar alternatives now, from different syrups, stevia and even honey. If need be, munch on the original, unprocessed form of your substance. I find Raw Cacao to be a healer of all cravings and ills. It is full of antioxidants and aids vitality. It's awesome! Working with the Plant Peoples in a way other than consumption will integrate the energies on a higher level. Your cravings disappear. Withdrawal symptoms cease. Now you are nourished on every level.
** More info on honouring the Peoples in your sacred Space in the Lessonary Course : Creating Sacred Spaces...