I feel as though there's a lot of intention toward the Unity of humanity; everyone's all about bringing humanity together as one. And then a few people are reminding us - “Remember the animals” and “Remember the flowers.”
I have become aware of another People on this Earth that we need to be ever so grateful toward. This is especially true for we Indigos.
The Plant Peoples are standing up to be counted at the moment, in droves! I'm not talking about the ones who help our healing process with their vibrational essences, like flower essences, but I am talking about the Plant Peoples we consume on a regular, daily, food basis.
If you are an Indigo who has been battling addiction issues (and we do because addictive substance is the Indigo Kryptonite) or you are someone who has recently developed food sensitivities previously un-noticed, this information is for you.
As human people are developing more sensitivities to food, and addictive habits are being dragged kicking and screaming away from us, the Devas of the Plant Peoples are saying 'Enough is enough! We no longer allow this blatant abuse of Our Peoples!'
The plants that we process to eat and drink, are banding together with their own collective consciousness. They are healing the human world by stopping us from the abuse of the Selves – us and them. By our violent reactions to some foods and addictive substances, we are being pushed further toward our individual evolution. The Plants we have always eaten are now working with us on a much higher level, by teaching about balance and right relationships...
If you abuse alcohol, illicit drugs, sugar, coffee, cigarettes.... it is time to turn it around. All of our addictive substances originate from a plant form! Honour the Plant Peoples you have developed such an attachment to. It is our job as an evolving conscious People to honour the other Peoples who are working at our side. This is true Unity.
So over the time of this next wave of conscious convergence I invite you to sit with the Plant Peoples who have worked by your side. Honour them for their work. This is how you will truly integrate their lesson. Consuming them is not the answer. It's as though for centuries we have felt the Power of these amazing Plant Peoples, but our awareness didn't allow us to see the highest way to integrate their lessons. Our egos told us if we consume the substance, we will take in their power. Just like a rampaging warlord we have been raping and abusing our closest allies, without realising our deepest pain is being exasperated by our actions. Humble, grateful and passionate honouring of the Deva Spirit of your individual Plant allies is the way to Unity – particularly at this stage of evolution for Indigo Children.
So whether you are battling addiction or you have come out the other side, whether you refuse to admit your 'problem,' or it is rapidly in your awareness, whether you have rashes or intense bloating, whether you have removed the substance from your home, or you have just bought some anew. Now is the time. I sense that Indigo Children the world over are finding awareness in the anchoring of right relationships with human friends. Please, please remember the Plants. They have a message for you!
It is time for Ceremony for the Plant Peoples!

My suggestion is to create a Plant People grid in your Ceremony Space. The grid in the picture contains Juniper, Hops, Cacao, Yeast and Potato, plus various Stone Peoples and the pure beeswax candles for the transformtation of understanding. Just as you might create a crystal grid, the Plant Peoples can be set together in Sacred Space and their energies activated, working together and with you to raise the energy of your Space. They are powerful Peoples, honour them as such. **
If you know that you have an issue with a particular item, whether it's an addiction to vodka (potato), beer (hops & yeast/fungi), or an allergy to bread (wheat & yeast/fungi), the Devas have something to say to you. Sit down in Ceremony with them, and listen.
Take the substance back to the simplest, most organic state you can find. For example, if you have an allergy or sensitivity to Wheat, find organic whole wheat grains to honour the Deva Spirit of the Plant Person; Wheat.
So look at your issue:
Cigarettes = tobacco – the Plant Person who symbolises Unity.
Chocolate = Raw Cacao and Sugar Cane products can be found in health food shops. If you live in sugar cane regions, honour the plant directly.
Coffee = find fair trade, organic coffee beans.
Lollies = sugar, sugar, sugar.
Vodka = potatoes
Gin = juniper
Beer = hops, barley, yeast (fungi)
Wine = grapes
Bread = wheat and yeast (fungi)
Heroin = poppies
Marijuana = if you know you will have trouble with the plant direct, go the other way and honour the other options for its use : find hemp fabric, hempseed oil etc.
Allergies to nuts, strawberries and other seemingly non-explainable foods maybe due to the amount the food is sprayed with chemicals... find these foods in an organic form and honour them with thanks for opening your awareness to the need for pure, life sustaining substances. Support healthy growth of your food, just as you would support the healthy growth of yourself!
Now as you move into the future, find alternatives to the substances you have been abusing. Health food stores stock all sorts of sugar alternatives now, from different syrups, stevia and even honey. If need be, munch on the original, unprocessed form of your substance. I find Raw Cacao to be a healer of all cravings and ills. It is full of antioxidants and aids vitality. It's awesome! Working with the Plant Peoples in a way other than consumption will integrate the energies on a higher level. Your cravings disappear. Withdrawal symptoms cease. Now you are nourished on every level.
** More info on honouring the Peoples in your sacred Space in the Lessonary Course : Creating Sacred Spaces...